So, I’m making a topic about map making, to discuss what people think makes a good/fun map. I found that Yourmaster mad a topic like this years ago, found it but unfortunately lost it? Perhaps he or someone else can find it and post it.
Anyway I think it’s better to start a new thread if anyone’s interested in playing or making new maps. I’ve been making maps for pretty much every game I’ve been able to over the years, most notably old build engine games like Duke Nukem 3d or especially Blood, but also strategy games like Heroes of Might and Magic 2 and 3 etc. Even though it’s certainly more difficult to make a map for a game like Blood i’d say Dungeon Keeper is the game where it’s most difficult to make a GOOD map.
Dungeon Keeper is an old favorite of mine that I always come back to every 5 years or so, but I haven’t been making maps for it since the late 90’s. I’ve tried a few times over the years but had trouble getting editors to work and so on. Now I found Unearth and decided to make a campaign. That’s the reason I write this, I want to know other peoples opinions on what makes a good map.
To begin with I’ll say I pretty much agree with everything Yourmaster wrote in that old post I couldn't find now. I want to ask though, why do you like Dungeon Keeper? I assume everyone who reads this actually like the game, otherwise you probably wouldn’t read a post on site dedicated to this 25 year old game. My assumption would be you started with playing through the original campaign and like it enough to decide you like the game.
When making maps for any game I think the most important thing is trying to play to the games strengths. I certainly haven’t played every map availble for DK, but judging from what I’ve tried I don’t know… It seems most either try to make new versions of the original maps on steroids (creature level inflation, ie player is given opportunity to have great creatures at high levels so enemies are super frequent and high level as well) or make gimmicky maps. I’m not necesarilly against gimmicks, but it goes back to my first question. What makes Dungeon Keeper fun? It’s rhetorical in a sense, because I think it’s the basic general gameplay we all find fun.
I’ll say for me, back in the day I was around 15 when I made maps for this game and I guess I realized the same things anyone else did after finishing the campaign once. So I made a lot of maps that were severly restricted (no prison/torture room, boulder trap etc etc). The problem with this is, these are things players (including myself) find fun to use. These days I see the challenge being incorporating as much of the game as possible while still making the map fun and hopefully somewhat challenging. Fun > challenge though.
I’d love to hear other opinions on this!