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Thread: KeeperFX - Test builds for version 0.5.1

  1. #1

    Default KeeperFX - Test builds for version 0.5.1

    EDIT: This has been released as version 1.0.0:

    KeeperFX 0.5.0 has been released, so work has started on version 0.5.1. For that, it helps if people play with the new software and tell us about bugs and other problems.

    Up to date change list compared to the 0.5.0 release.

    The website allows you download every alpha version as soon as it is created. See here.

    Earlier versions could be found here: Alpha Builds

    More instructions are on the wiki.

    The Alpha builds come as small patches that should be extracted over a fully functional and installed KeeperFX 0.5.0 version. Overwrite ALL files it asks.
    The KeeperFX.cfg file included holds you settings. If you don't want to lose them when updating, do not replace this file with a new one.

    It could happen that save games from older versions no longer load in newer versions. However, the campaign progress is not lost, only the progress on the level you were playing. Therefore it's advised to update in between levels.

    If you want to make custom modifications to your own game, do this to the 'personal' folder, see 'levels/personal.cfg'. That way, you can update freely without losing your modifications.

    Please feel free to share any feedback. You can often find me on the Keeperklan Discord too.
    Last edited by YourMaster; November 10th, 2023 at 14:51.

  2. #2

    Default KeeperFX - Alpha 3170

    New update: Alpha 3170.

    First alpha for 0.5.1, it has some new stuff, but mainly it contains all the changes from the 0.5.0 alphas that did not make it into the release.

    what's new:

    • Fixed a bug with wrong sounds playing
    • Fixed Crash on possession/heart zoom on ultra high resolutions (above 1920x1080)
    • Fixed a bug with ghosts not looking right
      - This bug was only there in the new alpha's, not in the 0.5.0 release
    • Smoothed out message boxes opening/closing with delta time
    • Updated chinese message strings
    • Fixed unexplored slabs being updated when enemies reinforce walls there
    • Low res tooltip speed and workshop progress icon positioned, map candles fixed
    • Heart lost objective now only displays when YOU lose your heart

    For people updating from 0.5.0 to this first alpha, it also contains all fixes and features made after If you want to read about all updates, read from here.

    But the highlights:
    • Thing limit quadrupled, so no more issues from running out of thing slots
    • More creature types possible
    • Possible to play maps smaller than default 85x85 slabs
    • Possible to mod the game to have more shot types, and use them on creatures
    • Cursor light no longer flickers
    • Fixes to minimap dots jumping with delta time
    • Four more campaigns can now be played in Chinese

    People that already updated to 0.5.0 alpha 3073 or newer, can 'simply' update to to 0.5.1 alpha 3170 or newer, no need to first go to full 0.5.0 release in between. People who were on the 0.4.9 release do need to update to the 0.5.0 release before going to these alphas.
    Last edited by YourMaster; December 28th, 2022 at 15:31.

  3. #3

    Default KeeperFX - Alpha 3177

    New update: Alpha 3177.

    People still reported the sound bug on 3170, so another update where hopefully this bug is gone for

    Beyond that, what's new:

    • Totally removed the 'heap manager' sprite/sound buffer that provided sound bugs
    • Cleaned up a lot of game structures that we now know weren't used by the original game at all
    • Allowed mapmakers to make larger hero parties (up to 30 heroes)
    • Introduced a BarrackMaxPartySize rule (config/script) and set it to 8 (old hardcoded value)
      - Allows mapmakers/modders to change this value to allow up to 30 units in a barracks party
    • Allowed mapmakers to give dungeon hearts a lot more health. (Default health unchanged)

  4. #4

    Default Re: KeeperFX - Test builds for version 0.5.1

    the old save Invalid again?

  5. #5

    Default Re: KeeperFX - Test builds for version 0.5.1

    Quote Originally Posted by zyzerg View Post
    the old save Invalid again?
    Yes, sorry. Seems to be some bigger problems with save games after updating. Will try to fix this.

  6. #6

    Default KeeperFX - Alpha 3187

    Emergency Fix: Alpha 3187.

    The previous versions crashed on the text screen displayed on full moons and birthdays, that's fixed now.

    what's new:

    • Fixed the crash stopping people from playing on special dates (moons, birthdays)
    • Mentor speeches on specials fixed
    • Tooltips in chinese corrected
    Last edited by YourMaster; January 8th, 2023 at 11:54.

  7. #7

    Default KeeperFX - Alpha 3202

    New update: Alpha 3202.

    Not too many notable changes this time, but handling some of the recently introduced issues. Multiplayer readme included, be sure to give it a go, it works.

    what's new:

    • Incompatible save games put you back to the overworld menu again (instead of back to main menu)
    • Incompatible continue saves are now cleaned up when making a new one, fixing continue menu
    • DRAWFROM script command on an IF statement using a range, returns random value from the range again instead always the minimum value
    • Options menu works again
    • Fewer desyncs on heart destruction
    • Traps and Special boxes get more information from config files
    • Map packs where all maps use lof files instead of lif files display now
    • Query menu stays on correct page when switching resolution
    • Fixed Define keys menu being partially empty when there's no campaign loaded
    • Log message no longer filled with warnings when party member is removed in a script loop

  8. #8

    Default KeeperFX - Alpha 3205

    Emergency Release: Alpha 3205.

    Reverted the 'continue game' fix from last version, because it ONLY handled corrupt saves well and it stopped people from advancing through a campaign.

    what's new:

    • Made sure people can continue their campaigns again
    • Fixed speeches played when picking up specials

  9. #9

    Default KeeperFX - Alpha 3220

    New update: Alpha 3220.

    Long time since I posted here, because the easiest way to get alpha's is now to simply go here.
    On it's possible to download every single alpha as soon as it is made.

    what's new:

    • Fixed a recent bug causing flying/lava walking creatures to be able to see and shoot through walls
    • Improved way how translation templates work.
      - This allows map packs and campaigns which have some translations to still display the GUI in the local language in languages where level translations are missing
      - Activated for Standard/Classic level packs and Evil Keeper campaign
    • New level script command:
      - SET_TEXTURE([player],[texture]) - gives a specific player a specific map texture, like snow or swamp serpent.
    • Level script fixes:
      - DRAWFROM now draws from correct range in IF statements
      - Fixed ON_ENEMY_GROUND and related script criteria
    • Made the casting delay for the lighting keeper power configurable, and possible to use on any power by campaign makers
      - In magic.cfg 'Time' has been renamed to 'Duration', as it is the duration of a power.
      - To use it, give a power the NEEDS_DELAY property and set a 'Cooldown'.
    • Fixed a flicker issue on the heart when skipping heart zoom
    • Suppressed some log warnings/errors
    • Added all remaining trap properties to the config file for configuration, and possible to configure through the script
    • KeeperFX version displays in main menu. Should help with multiplayer matches, be sure to have the same version.

  10. #10

    Default KeeperFX - Alpha 3262

    New update: Alpha 3262.

    But, best to find any version you want here here. I still love to receive feedback from alpha's, and it has been very quite on that front.

    what's new:

    • Possible for people to add new units to the game. Time Mage promoted to 'regular' unit.
    • Fake clicks on buttons in ingame main menu on hotkeys
    • Stop cave in from desyncing multiplayer
    • Picking up whole gold hoards no longer desyncs multiplayer
    • Fixes issues with continue save
    • Shots are now fully configurable
    • Added a new trap shot called SHOT_TRAP_TNT that destroys walls
    • Modded imps use their buffs
    • Better text scaling for east-asian languages
    • Timer does not buzz as often anymore when it's really long
    • Loads of extra Spanish translations
    • More translation fixes in other languages too
    • German now has a different translation for Wizard (before it shared a name with the Warlock)
    • New Hero jobs mapmakers can used
    • New Hide Hero gate script command
    • Fixed a bug with hero lair totems showing in front of the creature while sleeping
    • Fixed creatures not being able to spawn in the first 500 gameturns of a map (25 seconds)
    • Script value limit raised from 256 to 1024
    • Raised number of possible multiplayer levels (still can't have numbers over 256)
    • Fixes to a few script commands

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