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Thread: Problems with installation

  1. #1

    Default Problems with installation

    Afternoon all,

    Firstly my apologies because I am sure somewhere this has been asked plenty of times. I just bought the game having not played it for years.

    Installed ok and of course would not load. Searched all over the net and followed many instructions. Downloaded a patch, added new files and deleted old ones etc.

    Long and short of it is that the game will now load perfectly well. Opening video runs fine, main menu loads fine.

    However the graphics in the background of the main menu wont load but I can see the options.

    Try and start a game and I can see the health bar across the top but the middle of the screen is just black.

    Im sure its a simply fix but Im not hugely techy. Can anyone help? Running windows 10.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Problems with installation

    Might be worth mentioning, I purchased the disc version

  3. #3
    Imp Sldr4gzus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems with installation

    Hey man, I just now installed after years of not playing it as well. However, I went onto GOG, and downloaded both DK1 and DK2 for about $10 USD. Well worth it, the Keeper FX installed inside the dungeon keeper gold file as well without any issues. I'm running Windows 11. I hope this helps.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Problems with installation

    Quote Originally Posted by Sldr4gzus View Post
    Hey man, I just now installed after years of not playing it as well. However, I went onto GOG, and downloaded both DK1 and DK2 for about $10 USD. Well worth it, the Keeper FX installed inside the dungeon keeper gold file as well without any issues. I'm running Windows 11. I hope this helps.

    To clear up any possible confusions in advance,.... KeeperFX is just for DK1 and won't help with DK2 installation problems.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Problems with installation

    A similar thing happened to me - When I run DK2 on my laptop there's significant black artefacts. Found out I have to disable Hardware Acceleration directly through the dxdiag control panel. Not sure if the same thing will work for anyone else though!

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