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Thread: Nat's DK2 Level Launcher

  1. #1

    Default Nat's DK2 Level Launcher

    Hey everyone!

    I've created a simple program for Dungeon Keeper 2 that allows you to easily load any level before the game starts - Meaning no more messing around with shortcuts or command lines to get to the level you want!

    It also has the ability to unlock all campaign maps, and special maps to be able to be played on the campaign screen.

    The program is rather bare-bones right now, but I'm hoping to update it with some extra features soon.

    No installation is required, just unzip, slap the exe in the same folder as your DK2.exe, and run. The program will ask you what DK2 exe you'd like to launch, and go from there.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	dk2launcher.png 
Views:	97 
Size:	43.1 KB 
ID:	2351

    Have fun!

    Nat's DK2

  2. #2

    Default Re: Nat's DK2 Level Launcher

    Very nice, thank you! Saves me updating all my shortcuts to point to a new location.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Nat's DK2 Level Launcher

    I've come across what might be a problem with the launcher, might not.

    When I launch a level, and complete it, it unlocks that level in the campaign map screen. Not the next one! I suppose I could just click the "unlock all" button. Only one of the Level 11 variants is unlocked, for example.

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