The Last Keeper
Stretched the map in time as much as possible) so first you have to kill the princes, the lord, and then the king
All the other 4 keepers who were your allies before were killed and next to them were located posts and gates heroes, but in gold you will not need it on the map enough (there is a gem vein).
In order to gain creatures you have to restore the destroyed rooms, portals are destroyed so take care of your creatures
There are 3 fireflies on the map, but what to do with them think for yourself
So you can get the lair of heroes, also think for yourself
I advise to gain 5-6 monks and not to hurry with a breakthrough to the lord
Map is not very difficult considering that the heroes will not put pressure on you from the very beginning and the creatures of a sufficiently high level the more that there are many magical items
Vampires should walk on water, but sometimes they still get damage from it
Good luck keeper!
Download Link:
Or if the link does not work the map is attached to the post
1.1 The rooms are more "grouped" as well as a reduced number of guard rooms. But I advise you to sell the guardrooms, because they are still in the sum of the other rooms quite a lot.