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Thread: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

  1. #1
    Imp Yani's Avatar
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    Mar 2019

    Default Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    It's time to see who is the most evil!

    The KeeperFX team is hosting a tournament for the players of Europe West. We will fight in rounds until there is only 1 Keeper left. A map-pool has been chosen which should provide the best possible MP experience. And a few small rules have been created to make sure everybody can enjoy a true Dungeon Keeper experience. There will be no prize except for the sweet tears of your opponents.

    Signups will end September 4th 2023. (If we don't have enough signups yet, we'll lengthen the signup period)
    After the signup period ends, we will provide a 1-week duration for each round.

    Game info:
    • BO3 (best-out-of-3)
    • Standard tournament roster where the winners play against other winners
    • Each round will take around a week in which the 2 players facing each other can organize and play their games.
    • Players will get the list of maps chosen for the tournament. They can choose the map they play. If not come to an agreement, a draft pick should be used.
    • No prizes, except for the tears of your enemies
    • Currently there is no limit on signups. (Maybe a limit will be set depending on the signups, so I guess the soft limit is 32 at the moment)
    • The games will hopefully be video recorded by the players, and they will be broadcast later while being commentated by our beloved Dofi.

    • Must speak some English (or be able to decently use a translator) so we can communicate with you.
    • Players must live in EUW (Europe West region), although people can ping the IP at the end of this post to see if they qualify. (DK multiplayer can't be played with lag)
    • Discord + member of Keeper Klan channel (no voice-chat required). This is how we will organize the event and help players connect with each other.
    • At least time to play 3 full length games each week. (We have a lot of boomers with jobs)

    • No cheats
    • No computer assistance (C button next to map)
    • No dropping imps next to portal

    How to signup:
    • Ping the IP address: [redacted] - You probably need a ping under 50ms to be able to play games with the other people in the region of this tournament
    • Comment on the thread here OR join the Keeper Klan discord and post in the Thread by following the link in the #kfx-tournament-euw-q3 channel. You can just post your name, timezone (GMT+X) and maybe also the days you are most likely to be able to play
    • Wait for Yani or Spatulade to contact you

    The games will be played on the latest alpha patch of KeeperFX. When the tournament starts, it's possible a version will be pinned for use during the tournament.

    The region for this tournament is EUW only because most active veterans are living in Europe. If you know a lot of people that want to do a tournament in other regions, feel free to contact us and we'll help you organize and promote it.

    The map-pool is currently not fully chosen yet. We have a few maps already. There will be maps from the original game, Deeper Dungeons expansion, and also custom maps from the workshop.

    We'd like it if players record their games so they can be broadcast. This allows everybody to enjoy this tournament, even if they are not playing. Packetsave in multiplayer is not fully working yet, so I guess we'll have to record normal videos. I personally use OBS for recording stuff.

    We don't have specific rules for crashes. I guess the players can just restart the game, or decide the winner together depending on the progress of the game they were playing.

    Keep in mind that there is almost no competitive gameplay balancing in Dungeon Keeper. Having actual multiplayer games (over the internet) is very new development. Therefor nobody actually took the time to balance the competitive side of it. We will use this tournament to figure out some balancing changes for future tournaments. And we might also suddenly decide on a few balancing changes during the tournament just to keep it fun for everybody. We hope that this is understood. After the tournament we'll look into this a lot more in depth

    For more information come talk to us on Discord by following this link:

    Hosted by Yani and Spatulade

    Let's have some fun!
    Last edited by Yani; November 3rd, 2024 at 14:13.

  2. #2
    Imp Yani's Avatar
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    Default Re: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    - Yani
    - Spatulade
    - qqluqq
    - aeeiku
    - Biervampir
    - Loobinex
    - Dofi
    - Duke Ragereaver
    - Krizzie
    - AncientWay
    - TheSim
    Last edited by Yani; September 3rd, 2023 at 14:14.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    I think it's been 20 years since I've done a MP game of DK so I would love to give it a go just for fun!

    Ping of 6ms btw.

  4. #4
    Imp Yani's Avatar
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    Default Re: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by Krizzie View Post
    I think it's been 20 years since I've done a MP game of DK so I would love to give it a go just for fun!

    Ping of 6ms btw.
    Ha. Don't expect too much, it's just for the fun of it. It's not super stable and lag can be game breaking. But we can have some fun games already

    Send me a message on discord and I'll add you to the list
    Last edited by Yani; August 27th, 2023 at 20:42.

  5. #5
    Imp Yani's Avatar
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    Default Re: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    The European KeeperFX tournament of 2023 Q3 has started!


    There will be 2 stages in this tournament:
    1. Group based round robin: you are played in one of 3 groups containing 4 players each. You will fight the 3 opponents in your group and the top 2 players will move on to stage 2.
    2. Single elimination: the second stage consists of the well known single elimination brackets. You will fight opponents in a BO3 and move up the rounds.

    Stage 2 is not 100% balanced, but the people that have a disadvantage (Group C) have personally been notified and have accepted this.

    The losers of the semifinals will fight each other to claim third place.


    GROUP A:
    - aeeiku
    - qqluqq
    - TheSim
    - AncientWay

    GROUP B:
    - Duke Ragereaver
    - Loobinex
    - Krizzie

    GROUP C:
    - Dofi
    - Spatulade
    - Yani
    - Biervampir


    You can find the tournament and see the standings here:
    Yani (me) is the only person currently able to edit the tournament and change the scores. So please send your winnings to "yani.php" on Discord or notify me directly. (Be sure to get confirmation)


    We are currently in STAGE 1. This stage will take 2 to 3 weeks where you play up to 9 games.
    On the 18th of september we'll see how many games have been played, and we might lengthen it up to 3 weeks.

    Contact the people in your group to organize your games. You will have been pinged in specific threads regarding your group on the Keeper Klan Discord.

    You will play a best-out-of-3 and the first person to have 2 wins is the winner.


    The current mappool is this:
    1) Multiplayer 1
    2) Multiplayer 3
    3) DD Multi 3
    4) Clash of Heroes
    5) Scorge
    6) Organs
    7) Nile
    8) Lushmeadow-on-Down MP

    For the finals:
    9) DD Multi 5

    You will have to decide with your opponent on what maps to play. If you can't come to a conclusion, you can use draft pick to choose the map. We think the chosen maps are more balanced are more fun to watch as a spectator. Be sure to open the maps in a map editor like Unearth to make sure you know how to play them.


    We have a specific game build we would like people to use. It contains all the maps in the mappool, it removes a lot of original maps, and makes the land overview screen easier to use for the tournament.
    The build has been shared on Discord.


    Regarding recording the games. We would like it very much if everybody recorded their games. @Dofi will narrate and stream the games for everybody who isn't playing in the tournament.
    Dofi's Twitch channel: (Vods and probably youtube videos will be available too)

    Recording isn't a 100% requirement, but we would REALLY like it.

    I personally suggest OBS for recording your game:
    Make sure to not include your microphone sound or any other outside sounds.

    You can upload your games on storage URL which has been shared on Discord. Please upload it in its original quality.


    More rules and information can be found here:
    Last edited by Yani; September 4th, 2023 at 16:59.

  6. #6
    Imp Yani's Avatar
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    Default Re: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    the shared game build differs in a few ways:
    - original DK files have been included
    - removed all campaigns
    - removed all Free play levels
    - removed all campaign speech files
    - removed all non ENG language strings
    - removed all MP levels that aren't in the map pool
    - moved the MP levels in the map pool next to eachother
    - made all intro/outro movies (25MB) the bullfrog movie (1.3MB)
    - removed keeperfx_hvlog but made it an empty file (20MB)
    - implauncher is included because it offers an easy Direct Connect button
    - default keeprfx settings have been kept, so you'll have to configure it before starting
    - allows use to share the wanted keeperfx version

    Let me know if you REALLY want to play in your own language, and i'll probably add it again to the game build.

    Most of the removed stuff is so we can share a game installation that we are sure of gives no conflicts with other game builds, as well as making the file size small so nobody has to download a lot of data.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    Does not KeeperFX verify all clients connected for a MP game have the same KeeperFX version? This is done in lot of games to guarantee avoiding desynchronization and problems using different binaries (code)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by jomalin View Post
    Does not KeeperFX verify all clients connected for a MP game have the same KeeperFX version? This is done in lot of games to guarantee avoiding desynchronization and problems using different binaries (code)
    It does not, it only checks maps for differences. And yes, it would be good to have.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

  10. #10
    Imp Yani's Avatar
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    Default Re: Summer Tournament - EUW 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by jomalin View Post
    It was already known but good that you made an issue KeeperFX should definitely do this.

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