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Thread: A few modifications I made to some creatures and spells.

  1. #1

    Default A few modifications I made to some creatures and spells.

    Hey guys, completely new, and I hope I am posting this in the right subforum.

    I got back into DK1 this last few weeks, and could not resist a little editing and of some creatures and spells.

    Thought I would share my ideas to see what people think, for feedback - is it a load of nonsense; might it totally ruin the game; or might I have some neat ideas?

    It's a long one!




    Now a Ranged spellcaster.


    Gains experience from sleeping near Library.


    Immune to Gas.

    I modified Wind. I made Wind - *HOPEFULLY* - a more reasonable and more usable spell. I slowed its Speed stat down so it does not blow so far, but also gave it a little damage of 25.


    Gains experience from sleeping near Temple.




    - :timebomb:

    I modified Time Bomb so it takes longer to recharge, so it cannot be streamed so quickly (since it is so damaging); and since he is a melee attacker, he won't fire it much anyway.




    I removed Melee attack from the Ghost, and made them Ranged;
    Attacks only other Ghosts or protect the Dungeon Heart.
    Attracted by - Temple.
    Primary Job - Exploring.
    Buffed their Speed and Defence.

    So now they are, hopefully, an invaluable explorer.
    They will not attack, so they do not compromise their Invisibility, thus they remain invisible (UNLESS it runs out and they forget to cast it again); so hopefully they will reveal more of the map without alerting anyone to their presence. Hopefully this makes them actually DESIRABLE to have them around. Unlike the Fly, who is always visible, and they just go straight in for the attack.

    Attracted by - Guard Post.
    Primary Job - Guarding.
    Gains experience from sleeping near Lava.

    Attracted by - Bridge.
    Primary Job - Freezing prisoners.
    Gains experience from sleeping near Water.


    I think that is everything.

    Sorry for the long post.

    Thanks guys
    Last edited by Beard Bro; December 8th, 2023 at 21:12.

  2. #2

    Default Re: A few modifications I made to some creatures and spells.

    I read it diagonally but from what I saw I would like to point out that Speed is not only doubling the walking speed but it also make them fight faster and do jobs faster, so for example a creature with Speed will train faster than if not, so removing Speed from the hound is in my opinion a huge nerf to an already not very strong creature.

    I also made their job to freeze prisoners. But can anyone explain to me the benefit of this job? Is it to make prisoners survive longer?
    Well yes freezing prisonners is to make them survive longer but also you can slap a frozen prisonner to kill them instantly, it can be useful sometimes.

  3. #3

    Default Re: A few modifications I made to some creatures and spells.

    Quote Originally Posted by watler253 View Post
    I read it diagonally but from what I saw I would like to point out that Speed is not only doubling the walking speed but it also make them fight faster and do jobs faster, so for example a creature with Speed will train faster than if not, so removing Speed from the hound is in my opinion a huge nerf to an already not very strong creature.

    Well yes freezing prisonners is to make them survive longer but also you can slap a frozen prisonner to kill them instantly, it can be useful sometimes.
    You read my post diagonally??? LOL How does that even work?

    Ah yes that is a very good point regarding Speed... I had not considered that. I need to rethink what I have done then, thanks man.

    Though I did buff the Hound's training value from 2 to 3.
    Last edited by Beard Bro; November 20th, 2023 at 16:24.

  4. #4
    Imp Yani's Avatar
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    Default Re: A few modifications I made to some creatures and spells.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beard Bro View Post
    You read my post diagonally??? LOL How does that even work?
    It means that he skimmed trough it. Not reading everything in detail.

  5. #5

    Default Re: A few modifications I made to some creatures and spells.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yani View Post
    It means that he skimmed trough it. Not reading everything in detail.
    Haha got ya, thanks!

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