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Thread: How do I get DK2 GIM to work?

  1. #1

    Default How do I get DK2 GIM to work?

    I downloaded DK2 from GOG a few minutes ago using the offline installer (cause I don't feel like messing with GOG Galaxy) and it installed straight v1.7 (I think). I booted the game up and I was able to get to the main menu but the game looked a lot grainier and pixely then I remembered. I also noticed it was running in 768p so I tried to install GIM using the guide I found here I followed all the steps including skipping step 3 like it told me to. I went to boot the game up and it crashes when it goes to load the main menu. So I saw someone else complain of the same exact thing so I downloaded and extracted dgvoodoo and attempted to run the game again. Still crashes when loading main menu... I am sad face as I was hoping to see if GIM unlocks higher resolutions. I guess I could do the registry thing but I doubt the game would run very well if I did.

  2. #2

    Default Re: How do I get DK2 GIM to work?

    Quote Originally Posted by joey3155 View Post
    I downloaded DK2 from GOG a few minutes ago using the offline installer (cause I don't feel like messing with GOG Galaxy) and it installed straight v1.7 (I think). I booted the game up and I was able to get to the main menu but the game looked a lot grainier and pixely then I remembered. I also noticed it was running in 768p so I tried to install GIM using the guide I found here I followed all the steps including skipping step 3 like it told me to. I went to boot the game up and it crashes when it goes to load the main menu. So I saw someone else complain of the same exact thing so I downloaded and extracted dgvoodoo and attempted to run the game again. Still crashes when loading main menu... I am sad face as I was hoping to see if GIM unlocks higher resolutions. I guess I could do the registry thing but I doubt the game would run very well if I did.

    GoG ist tadellos einfach nur GoG und die Grafik Einstellung im Spiel benutzen um nach zu stellen.

    mit STRG und Pfeil runder und hoch Bildausschnitt vergrößern oder verkleinern, mit + schneller

    ich hatte vorher die Installation 1.8 wo alle Grafikeinstellungen automatisch vorgenommen werden.

    Die meisten haben 1.7, das geht auch die GoG Installation muss auf c: gemacht werden und die anderen Keeper

    Installationen müssen unabhängig bleiben.

    ich weis nicht wie ich die zip datei für dich anhängenkann mit den DK2 auf vs 1.8 in Deutsch möglich

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