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Thread: Choose Campain (Start) Level

  1. #1
    Imp carpetbullfrog's Avatar
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    Gamertag: ThunderFlash92

    Default Choose Campain (Start) Level

    Hi Keepers,

    Congrats on the 1.0 Release . Player since 2005. Memories. Memories. And memories.

    Is there a way to start the Campaign or Plus Campaign at a desired level through editing the system files or some script? Or a command to ''win'' the current map?

    Say I want to skip the first 4 campaign maps and start at map 5. Or just play the final map on repeat.



  2. #2
    Imp Yani's Avatar
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    Mar 2019

    Default Re: Choose Campain (Start) Level

    Yes. Enable cheats (easter eggs) and press Ctrl + F10 when on the landview (the view where you click the flag and where you go to after winning a map).
    You can find the "enable easter egg" option in the official launcher. This option requires you to use the launcher to start the game. Clicking keeperfx.exe directly does not enable cheats even if it's enabled in the launcher.

    If you just want to play the last map, there's command line options to start the level directly: -campaign keeporig -level 20
    You can find more info about these command line options here:
    You can also use Unearth to start a map directly from the map browser.
    Last edited by Yani; November 16th, 2023 at 09:03.

  3. #3
    Imp carpetbullfrog's Avatar
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    Gamertag: ThunderFlash92

    Default Re: Choose Campain (Start) Level

    Quote Originally Posted by Yani View Post
    Yes. Enable cheats (easter eggs) and press Ctrl + F10 when on the landview (the view where you click the flag and where you go to after winning a map).
    You can find the "enable easter egg" option in the official launcher. This option requires you to use the launcher to start the game. Clicking keeperfx.exe directly does not enable cheats even if it's enabled in the launcher.

    If you just want to play the last map, there's command line options to start the level directly: -campaign keeporig -level 20
    You can find more info about these command line options here:
    You can also use Unearth to start a map directly from the map browser.
    Very useful. Going to try everything.

    Forward, to you or others chiming in - I noticed in the old days replaying the same map yielded a different computer-strategy. In one scenario, the keeper didn't do anything, and in the other it roamed the kingdom like he designed the map. I'm definitely going to see if there are some cat-mouse-play scenario's where I can play more tower-defense like. Thank you again for providing easy-to-use options.

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