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Thread: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.

  1. #1

    Default Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.


    I once made a mod for Keeper FX that swapped out every monster with a hero and vice versa. The mod was very buggy back then.

    But I remade it for KeeperFX 1.0 and now it works good enough to preset it to you.

    The mod switches creatures and heroes on the base of their scripts. So it is compatible with most scenarios.

    The download contains two versions.

    1.: A altered version of the original campaign for a quick look.

    2.: A full version that alters Dungeon Keeper core creature directory to play this mod with all scenarios.


    Now my Problem:

    I just can't alter the Tunneler, I tried to make them into Imps and into beetles that can dig. No matter what I do they stay blonde dwarfs. I managed to chance every other creature but not them, why?


    Now it works and can be found here:
    Last edited by Grasyl; November 24th, 2023 at 21:04.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.

    Be sure to swap the EVIL property around, make the tunneler evil and the imp no longer evil. Also, have you seen the workshop on

  3. #3

    Default Re: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.

    I emptied the entire tunneller.cfg file and filled it with the data from the bug.cfg I only changed the NAME back to "TUNNELLER" and give the bug the "SPECIAL_DIGGER" Property and gave him "FIRST_PERSON_DIG" as a power.

    This is my current Code for the tunneller.cfg

    ; KeeperFX Creature Model Configuration file
    ; file version 0.33
    ; Name is the creature identifier which should be used in level script
    Name = TUNNELLER
    NameTextID = 260
    Health = 250
    HealRequirement = 150
    HealThreshold = 200
    Strength = 25
    Armour = 25
    Dexterity = 55
    FearWounded = 12
    FearStronger = 1400
    FearsomeFactor = 100
    Defence = 60
    Luck = 10
    Recovery = 5
    HungerRate = 5000
    HungerFill = 1
    LairSize = 1
    HurtByLava = 2
    BaseSpeed = 48
    GoldHold = 300
    ; Creature image size - XY and YZ
    Size = 200 100
    AttackPreference = MELEE
    Pay = 18
    HeroVsKeeperCost = 0
    SlapsToKill = 22
    CreatureLoyalty = 0
    LoyaltyLevel = 0
    DamageToBoulder = 20
    ; Creature thing size - XY and YZ; one cube is 256x256
    ThingSize = 256 512
    LairObject = LAIR_BUG
    ; Rooms required to attract the creature from entrance, and number of slabs which is needed (max 3 rooms)
    EntranceRoom = NULL LAIR NULL
    RoomSlabsRequired = 0 1 0
    BaseEntranceScore = 6
    ScavengeRequirement = 22000
    TortureTime = 1000
    EatFood = -1000
    WillNotDoJob = 0
    InHand = 0
    NoLair = 1
    NoHatchery = 1
    WokenUp = 50
    StandingOnDeadEnemy = -6
    Sulking = 2
    NoSalary = 1500
    Slapped = 100
    StandingOnDeadFriend = 25
    InTorture = 2
    InTemple = -50
    Sleeping = -1
    GotWage = -750
    WinBattle = -330
    ; Game turns required without training and the annoyance level
    Untrained = 0 0
    OthersLeaving = 10
    ; Annoyance caused by performing stressful jobs
    JobStress = 0
    GoingPostal = 0
    Queue = 4
    LairEnemy = NULL
    AnnoyLevel = 4000
    AngerJobs = LEAVE_DUNGEON
    Hearing = 10
    EyeHeight = 100
    FieldOfView = 1024
    EyeEffect = FISH_EYE
    MaxAngleChange = 16
    WalkingAnimSpeed = 48
    FootstepPitch = 400
    VisualRange = 18
    PossessSwipeIndex = 6
    NaturalDeathKind = NORMAL
    ShotOrigin = 0 0 128
    CorpseVanishEffect = 0
    PickUpOffset = 22 60 0 0
    StatusOffset = 128
    ; Creature powers (spells), and the creature level at which they're given (max 10 spells).
    PowersLevelRequired = 1 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0
    ; Training values required to reach higher creature levels
    LevelsTrainValues = 1000 3500 5000 6500 8500 10500 13000 16000 20000
    ;Growing beyond max level - training cost, new creature type and its level
    GrowUp = 0 NULL 0
    ; Gaining experience from sleeping - slab required near lair and amount of experience
    SleepExperience = HARD 0
    ExperienceForHitting = 2
    PrimaryJobs = TUNNEL
    SecondaryJobs =
    NotDoJobs =
    StressfulJobs =
    TrainingValue = 1
    TrainingCost = 8
    ScavengeValue = 1
    ScavengerCost = 8
    ResearchValue = 1
    ManufactureValue = 1
    PartnerTraining = 0
    Stand = 534
    Ambulate = 532
    Drag = 532
    Attack = 536
    Dig = 340
    Smoke = 0
    Relax = 0
    PrettyDance = 0
    GotHit = 538
    PowerGrab = 544
    GotSlapped = 550
    Celebrate = 546
    Sleep = 548
    EatChicken = 552
    Torture = 76
    Scream = 540
    DropDead = 542
    DeadSplat = 946
    GFX18 = 11
    QuerySymbol = 155
    HandSymbol = 224
    GFX21 = 11
    Foot = 9 4
    Hit = 507 3
    Happy = 505 1
    Sad = 506 1
    Hurt = 507 3
    Die = 510 2
    Hang = 512 1
    Drop = 513 1
    Torture = 514 3
    Slap = 517 1
    Fight = 502 3

  4. #4

    Default Re: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.

    That seems correct. And it does not work?
    If not, be sure to also remove EVIL from imp.cfg

  5. #5

    Default Re: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.

    It did some testing and came across a very very strange situation. I used my "Heroes Unlock Mod" and the Tunnellers I got from my portal are all turn into proper bugs with the digging ability I gave them. But the Tunnellers that are spawned are blond dwarfs .. were did the game the data from, are Tunnellers hard coded somewhere?

    By the way, thanks for reminding my of the workshop. I added my mods there:


  6. #6

    Default Re: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.

    The spell creates an evil unit with the digger property. So make sure you only have one of those and you'll know what will get created.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.

    I'm a bit confused.

    I don't want to create Tunnellers by the "Create Imp" spell. I want to turn the Tunnellers (created by the map script) into Bugs that can dig. I removed the EVIL property by it does not work.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bug.jpg 
Views:	22 
Size:	157.7 KB 
ID:	2466

    If I use one of my UnLock Mods, that make Tunnellers came into my dungeon as my monsters they are Bugs that can dig but the ones that spawn as good/white guys are still dwarfs.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	dwarf.jpg 
Views:	17 
Size:	141.4 KB 
ID:	2467

    But every other hero is swapped correctly the thiefs of the first level are turned into demo spawns as I intended.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.

    I briefly checked your workshop item, trying to help you out,.. but there's so much stuff.

    - There's creatures pre-placed on the map by creature number, this is determined by the order of creatures in creature.cfg
    - Creatures are spawned directly through the script, this is done based on the name in the specific unit cfg, so say, the name field in bile_demon.cfg to spawn the BILE_DEMON
    - The create-imp spell creates an evil-digger
    - The 'tunneler-party' scripts spawn 'diggers' that are not evil

    Hope this clears it up enough.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.


    I guess the system creates Bugs that look like Tunneller. But I now set the following:

    tunneller.cfg (should turn into Bugs) : Properties = BLEEDS SPECIAL_DIGGER INSECT


    bug.cfg (should turn into Tunnelers) : Properties = BLEEDS HUMANOID_SKELETON EVIL

    But still the good diggers spawned are blonde dwarfs.


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bugs.jpg 
Views:	14 
Size:	169.7 KB 
ID:	2471

    Now it works with following settings:

    tunneller.cfg (should turn into Bugs) : Properties = Properties = BLEEDS SPECIAL_DIGGER INSECT (with FIRST_PERSON_DIG)


    bug.cfg (should turn into Tunnelers) : Properties =BLEEDS INSECT SPECIAL_DIGGER EVIL (with FIRST_PERSON_DIG)

    Unfortunalty Create IMP now creates Bugs instead .. but I'll fix this tomorrow.

    /edit 2

    And the Bugs turn into running dogs as they dig ..
    Last edited by Grasyl; November 24th, 2023 at 01:14.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Creature Swap Mod .. I made something funny and need a little bit of help.

    The running dogs is 'animation 0', or no animation set. In the beetle.cfg, set an animation number for digging. You can probably copy their attack animation for that.

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