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Thread: Problem with creating my own map

  1. #1

    Default Problem with creating my own map


    Probably the wrong place to post this but Im new here and been trying the "Unearth" editor for the first time.

    Been creating my simple map with my sole purpose of having a total war. But when i Try to play the map through unearth it instantly says i've lost.

    I've done dungeonheart for red (me), purple, green and yellow and have the script like this:



    But since im spawning without anything, have I missed something? Been trying to find how to make sure that I end up with the player0. Have i missed something in the script?

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Problem with creating my own map

    Can you play the map through the game? If you cannot find it there, probably you have it saved somewhere else then where the game is looking for it. You do have the soul container thing on the dungeon heart too?

    If you can find it from the game and have the same problem, please attach your full map and I will check it out. Attach it here, upload it somewhere, or join the discord and drop it in the mapmaking channel.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Problem with creating my own map

    Quote Originally Posted by YourMaster View Post
    Can you play the map through the game? If you cannot find it there, probably you have it saved somewhere else then where the game is looking for it. You do have the soul container thing on the dungeon heart too?

    If you can find it from the game and have the same problem, please attach your full map and I will check it out. Attach it here, upload it somewhere, or join the discord and drop it in the mapmaking channel.

    Whats a soul container thing?

    I cant find it in keeper FX even tho i have saved the map in all the directories... Having trouble finding a guide to unearth aswell how to create maps, would be good with a tutorial.

    Do i send all the files or is it any explicit you would need to see?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Problem with creating my own map

    Quote Originally Posted by djannon View Post
    Whats a soul container thing?

    I cant find it in keeper FX even tho i have saved the map in all the directories... Having trouble finding a guide to unearth aswell how to create maps, would be good with a tutorial.

    Do i send all the files or is it any explicit you would need to see?
    The dungeon heart is a room, usually 3x3, that has 2 levels which is part of the construction. Then on top there is a bell shaped thing which creatures attack. This is the soul container, as it holds the soul of the keeper and when it is destroyed he is lost.
    It should be automatically placed, but if you accidentally delete it, you are lost.

    And yes, just zip up all the files related to your map, so I can open and test your map to see what is wrong with it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Problem with creating my own map

    Here is the map
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6

    Default Re: Problem with creating my own map

    You have 4 dungeon hearts, but that map runs for me no problem. So be sure that you configured Unearth to correctly find your KeeperFX executable and everything should work.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Problem with creating my own map

    Well according to Unearth it says i have the correct exe..

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	hej.png 
Views:	23 
Size:	163.7 KB 
ID:	2491

  8. #8

    Default Re: Problem with creating my own map

    The only solution i have atm is to take an existing map and just re-do that map. Doesn't seem to load my own-made maps into keeperfx somehow...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Problem with creating my own map

    Solved it by turning off keeperfx script...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Problem with creating my own map

    Quote Originally Posted by djannon View Post
    Solved it by turning off keeperfx script...
    KeeperFX map format perhaps?

    In any case, you have keeperfx installed INSIDE the DK Origin folder, which is asking for trouble. Best to just install KeeperFX in a clean folder all by itself.

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