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Thread: Mouse rotate?

  1. #1

    Default Mouse rotate?


    First of all, I would like to thank the developers for such a great revitalization of the first DK. Dungeon Keeper is one of my favorite games since the day it came out and I'm really happy it receives some love from people lately.

    But my question is: Is there any way in KeeperFX I can rotate the view (freely, not by 45 or 180 degrees increments) with a mouse? What I mean is something like Ctrl + mouse left and right movement for example, instead of Ctrl + keyboard cursor keys left and right or Ctrl + A, D or with Delete and Pg Down, like in the original.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mouse rotate?

    No, at the moment you are stuck with the keyboard for that.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mouse rotate?

    Quote Originally Posted by YourMaster View Post
    No, at the moment you are stuck with the keyboard for that.
    Ok, I figured as much, just thought I'd ask anyway in case there's some magic option somewhere in the launcher that allows to do that.

    Just this was something I really wanted right back from the first day I played DK. Keyboard rotation is acceptable, of course, and I got used to it, but rotating with a mouse was something I always thought made more sense to me that unfortunately wasn't implemented. Well, some day maybe.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mouse rotate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daemit View Post
    Ok, I figured as much, just thought I'd ask anyway in case there's some magic option somewhere in the launcher that allows to do that.

    Just this was something I really wanted right back from the first day I played DK. Keyboard rotation is acceptable, of course, and I got used to it, but rotating with a mouse was something I always thought made more sense to me that unfortunately wasn't implemented. Well, some day maybe.
    It was implemented at some point, in alpha's in an older version, right before Mefisto left. It basically got lost in transition.

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