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Thread: Zoomfix for General Improvement Mod (DK2) 1.51

  1. #1

    Default Zoomfix for General Improvement Mod (DK2) 1.51

    I made an adjustment allowing you to zoom out all cameras more. (not just f1, but also f4 to fix the camera angle and zoom out) Offset: 2834 Hex Values: 40 1F 00 00 F0 49 02 00 Offset: 28EC Hex Values: 40 1F 00 00 F0 49 02 00 Offset: 2A5C Hex Values: 40 1F 00 00 F0 49 02 00

    It's basically this: for the other cameras for the 1.51 dkII.exe from here
    I made it for the DKII.exe that runs 1.51, but it might work with the DKII-DX.exe which runs 1.70
    I use it on the GoG Version. Windows 10

    GlobalVariables (can zoom out all cameras).rar

    You need to rename the file in there to GlobalVariables.kwd.

    Make a Backup and replace the one you had with the one from me. (in Dungeon Keeper 2/Data/editor)
    It might be smarter to unlock the angle for the f1 camera, but this is what i got to work for me.
    If you wanna do the changes yourself, maybe adjust it to your liking, use HxD and have fun

    Use at own risk and move and zoom your f4 camera like a dream. (mouse+x) or (mouse+y) give you somewhat freelook.

    Sorry for the mess, this is untested rather, it didn't crash the first 10 minutes.
    Last edited by DaineMudda; March 11th, 2024 at 04:20.

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