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Thread: can i configure keeperfx so that mouse does not move screen ingame?

  1. #1

    Question can i configure keeperfx so that mouse does not move screen ingame?

    hi all,

    first off, i was so hyped to find that keeperfx exists. i played the shit out of this game when it came out! thanks for this amazing project! i am running Dungeon Keeper FX ver (standard release) git:e54f76ba3.
    i would like to switch off screen movement by mouse when it reaches the screen border. i only want my view to move my view using keyboard inputs, i am used to it that way from mobas. is that possible? i looked through the documentation and didnt find a way but maybe i was looking in the wrong place.
    any help would be appreciated, thanks!


  2. #2

    Lightbulb Re: can i configure keeperfx so that mouse does not move screen ingame?

    In keeper.cfg you have the following:

    ; The camera moves when you push the edges of the screen with the mouse.
    Try to set it to OFF.

  3. #3

    Default Re: can i configure keeperfx so that mouse does not move screen ingame?

    it worked! thanks a ton, im in heaven

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