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Thread: KeeperFX, Steam version (Dosbox) no Mentor voices.

  1. #1

    Unhappy KeeperFX, Steam version (Dosbox) no Mentor voices.

    Hey, new to KeeperFX, got a quick question for anyone using the steam version, or the dosbox version.

    So when installing everything is fine, moved .OGG sound files over to keep music etc, the only problem i'm running into is there's no mentor voices.
    There's no mentor voice or enemy keeper voices, and I cannot figure out why or how to fix it, any ideas anyone?

  2. #2

    Default Re: KeeperFX, Steam version (Dosbox) no Mentor voices.

    Well, Discord came in handy.

    "Yani, The Imp Connoisseur" pointed out that due to location of DK FX installation running as admin was needed.

    Right clicking launcher.exe<properties<compatibility<Run application as admin.

    ticking this instantly fixed the issues.

  3. #3
    Imp Yani's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Default Re: KeeperFX, Steam version (Dosbox) no Mentor voices.

    It's suggested to install KeeperFX in a user owned directory that does not require administrator rights. An example would be to create and extracte KeeperFX into in the following directory: C:\Games\KeeperFX
    A directory like Program Files will not work correctly if you do not run as an administrator. It seems the steamapps folder can also give issues.
    Last edited by Yani; March 25th, 2024 at 01:50.

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