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Thread: Question about configuring a file

  1. #1

    Default Question about configuring a file

    Hi there,

    I have a question.
    Does anyone know how SwapCreatures(in creature.cfg) work?

    Fx like can I swap a mistress with a dragon... and how do I write that?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Question about configuring a file

    In the original game it did not work. For older versions of KeeperFX I made it as a workaround to add totally new units. It still works but is pointless in new versions now we can simply have more units.
    To use it, check fxdata/creature.cfg, there's a list of creatures you know, and an empty list of SWAP_CREATURES.

    Add a new creature type there, say ROACH, and then in your creatures folder place a roach.cfg file.

    Then in a level script type SWAP_CREATURE(DRAGON,ROACH) to swap out dragons for roaches.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Question about configuring a file

    Thank you very much, that was very helpful

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