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Thread: OpenDungeons

  1. #21

    Default Re: OpenDungeons

    Yes, indeed.
    The website is:

    The forum (feedback is always welcome):

    If you want to have a look at the sources:

    If you want to give a try, I recommend downloading the latest snapshot as last stable is a bit old since we are near a new one (and the snapshots are usually pretty stable):

  2. #22

    Default Re: OpenDungeons

    Version 0.7 is released.

    Download here or here.

    Release notes here, highlights are:
    • Multiplayer lobby using a master server, to find other players all over the world
    • Animated main menu with scripted events!
    • Play voice-overs on some game events
    • Vastly improved creatures behaviour, including support for spell casting, elemental damage, better ranged behaviour, and many customisation features
    • New rooms: Arena, Bridges, Casino, Prison, Torture room
    • New creatures: Cultist, Elf, Dark Elf, Lava Spawn; Lich, Monk, Nature Monster, Rat, Roach, Skeleton
    • New spells: Defense, Eye of Evil, Slow, Strength, Weak

  3. #23

    Default Re: OpenDungeons

    Development is not going on for OpenDungeons for years now, but somebody is still working on a fork of it:

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