Hello, and this is my new campaign for Dungeon Keeper 2.
Approved by the Russian DK2 mapmaking community.
Key Notes For This Campaign!
- This campaign includes an alternative story.
- This campaign will not be including the spell 'possession' in ANY levels due to how overpowered it is, making the game incredibly easy and dull.
- This campaign, is meant for those who think the official campaign is far too easy. This campaign will be very hard, challenging, and fun!
- This campaign will be using its own balance patch that I personally created. Balance changes to things such as, but not limited to: Keeper Spells, Room Costs, Creature Spells, Creature Abilities, Multiple Level Variables, and more.
- There are only 5 levels in this campaign, each subsequent level is more difficult than the next.
- All maps have been checked in the RU community and all passable.
- Although the campaign is short, I have spent a lot of time on it to work out almost every moment.
The Fear Campaign
Level one: A mess under the Ground

Hello, Keeper. Our world is dying, and each time the ownership of the dungeon passes to
the heroes. Many of our allies were destroyed by a large number of the army of good. It's time
to change everything.
And so this dungeon is teeming with heroes, they have captured key points, portals, we need to bring them back, otherwise we will not be able to summon creatures to help ourselves, our squad is not so strong, but it must cope. The lord of these lands has already found out about us, he will do everything to destroy you. Keeper, you are the only one who can save the situation!
The heroes have built themselves fortresses, each has its own leader who keeps order, I think they will not like your presence. They are very well protected, but this is not your goal, you can leave them, after killing the Lord they will run away from here and not return. Keeper, I think when you storm the lord's castle, he won't want to get under your arm.
The main Objective:
To kill the Lord of these lands.
Don't let the heroes destroy your heart!
Side Objective:
Kill the captains of the fortresses.
Level two: Destruction is near the end

The destruction takes place under full control, the heroes managed to build fortresses in such a short time and bring a large number of soldiers and weapons, battles to the death, their power makes itself felt, but we are at home, it is much easier for us to fight, although the forces are not equal..
According to intelligence data, there are 2 fortresses that are very well guarded, one of them contains our victim, who needs to be killed before escaping. One of the fortresses already knows about our presence, it sends troops of heroes against us, which we repel, but I think it will be more difficult to repel them every time.. Do not give out the main fortress about us, otherwise we will be exterminated. Our intelligence was able to find the territory of the Almeric keeper, perhaps he will not want to cooperate with us, so we will kill him at the first opportunity, we do not need extra ones, but his power is the Black Knights, the knights of blood, they will not let us relax..
The main Objective:
To kill the Lord of these lands.
Don't let the heroes destroy your heart!
Side Objective:
Kill the captain of the small fortress.
Kill the Almeric Keeper.
Level three: Step over the edge

One more step, each time we chase away the heroes. But they are only building up their strength and we urgently need to come up with something. The interception plan. Kill one target and the army of heroes will be destroyed in the next battle.
We are in the desert lands, there is a keeper next to us, he has a portal. There is a fortress in the lava flows, and it seems to me that it hides an evil that can kill us. There should be abandoned but protected hero zones on top of us, before we break through there, we need to build up an army. Castle.. It's a heavily defended place, it won't be easy to get there. There is another keeper in the corners, he is learning new things. If you wish, you can try to get it.
The main Objective:
To kill the Lord of these lands.
Don't let the heroes destroy your heart!
Side Objective:
Kill the Keeper George and Lily.
Level four: Coming for your life

We have discovered the fortress of the Princes who have settled in our dungeon. We must destroy them! We will not let them exist in peace! It will be an extremely daring and quick leap to victory.
We have Caleb and several of his knights in our guide. We find ourselves surrounded, as soon as possible we need to destroy the nearest fortresses in order to retake the territory and prevent the hordes of heroes from reaching us. There is also another Keeper living in these lands, perhaps he will want to break into battle. Also, these lands are inhabited by Princes who were in the main fortress, it is better not to go there until there is a large army. There is also a secret in these lands that opens with a key, you may want to find it.
The main Objective:
To kill the Princes.
Don't let the heroes destroy your heart!
Side Objective:
Kill the fortress generals.
Kill the enemy Keeper of the Warhammer.
Level five: Death is just the beginning

And here it is, our last fight, the last lands of stinking, lousy heroes. We've been waiting for this, preparing for it. Prepare all your forces, we will destroy them and take back our lands, because only we can rule the dungeon!
According to our data, this is a lost place, we are in the epicenter of the most terrible. They are already preparing to strike at us, we need to build up the army as soon as possible. This land is teeming with heroes and their fortresses. They have captured the temple that we need, but its protection is so strong that it is better not to go there without preparation. There is a Lord living in these lands, perhaps it is worth visiting and destroying him. The King's Castle... Perhaps the most impenetrable fortress we've ever encountered, but there are weaknesses everywhere., Also, the guardian Azazel lives in these lands, perhaps when he sees the boiling on this land, he will invade the rear.
The main Objective:
To kill the King of these lands.
Don't let the heroes destroy your heart!
Stop Azazel from killing the King.
Side Objective:
Kill the captains of the fortresses.
To kill the Lord of these lands.
Kill Azazel.
Capture the temple.
Download link:
Version 1.7:
The Fear Campaign.rar
Note: To play the levels you must use the command line to launch the levels. Level One would go like this: "-q -level Like Old Times" Place this at the end of the command line for your DK2 launcher. Do this without the quotes. To play the other levels do the same thing except change the number to your desired level.
Here's an example of how to launch level one. You can only do this via a shortcut of your DK2 launcher. To bring up this window just right-click, and scroll down to 'Properties'.

Please provide feedback with any problems encountered, or if a specific level is simply unbeatable. Thanks in advance!