Hello, everyone. These are 2 experimental maps to show the idea of ideas that can be implemented in other maps or larger projects.
Mine Teaser

This map presents the idea of cave collapses and the possible construction of some kind of puzzle. The beginning of the map is about this, the other part of the map is an ordinary fortress in a small, narrow cave.
The main Objective:
To Kill The Lord Of These Lands
Trading Teaser

This is some kind of first version of a possible new mechanics. Accumulate gold and buy the desired character. Each creature has its own room and its corresponding cost. To get a character, accumulate the required amount and drop this gold into the Blue Player's treasury under the creature's favorite room.
The main Objective:
Capture the Temple at the end of your path and kill the resisting heroes who will stand up to defend the Temple.
p.s To play for Zarhian or Caleb, you will have to suffer ..)
Download link:
Version 1.7:
Trading Teaser.rar
Note: To play the levels you must use the command line to launch the levels. Level One would go like this: "-q -level Trading Teaser" Place this at the end of the command line for your DK2 launcher. Do this without the quotes. To play the other levels do the same thing except change the number to your desired level.
Here's an example of how to launch level one. You can only do this via a shortcut of your DK2 launcher. To bring up this window just right-click, and scroll down to 'Properties'.

Please provide feedback with any problems encountered, or if a specific level is simply unbeatable. Thanks in advance!