Originally Posted by
Are you talking about the setting on keeperfx.cfg?
Thank you for reply and checking things out!
Yes, this is the one.
I did a quick test right now. I set max tracks to 60 in keeperfx.cfg. Assign a 51st track to a level, and in the log it returns this:
Script(line 159): set_music_process: Setting music track to 51:
Sync: [0] PlayMusicPlayer: This track was not loaded: 51
So it really is limited to 50 tracks.
Oh and if I understand correctly, one can only use a single folder of music - the one that is in the root dir. Or am I missing something?
I wish it was as easy to do, as increasing one number in a piece of code that you've found:
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ short load_configuration(void)
i = atoi(word_buf);
if ((i > 0) && (i <= 50)) {
But it might be also something to do with memory or something like that. But I'm not a coder - just guessing.
I don't have a github account or skills to compile from the source, but I guess a patch can be done to test things out? Or maybe it's a whole new build will be needed?
From my perspective as a designer, expanding tracks to something like 500 (512) or UNLIMITED, would be a great additional feature of KeeperFX.
Like I've mentioned, I did hit a hard limit by the 2 thirds of my project. And I've hit IFs 512 limit too, on the latest map - had to optimize and improvise.
IF limit is a solid one, more than enough for 98% of maps, but that music limit, when expanded, would only benefit KeeperFX, I think.
Thank you again for checking things out! Maybe something will come out of it? I really hope so!