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Thread: Issues about some campaigns DKI keeperfx

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Santiago de Chile, Chile

    Question Issues about some campaigns DKI keeperfx

    Hello there,

    I recently tried to install some new campaigns and they are not showing in the list of campaigns, i'm wondering if there is some kind of hard limit about it or something?.

    I have the game in spanish, (GOG version) patched up to 1.2 keeperfx (the specific version you obtain when pressing "download" today)

    There are some than are not showing but for instance, two examples of this are "Rage of the lord" and "The Necromancer".

    What could be the issue? or alternatibly, how can i get some feedback in order to know why this campaigns are not showing?

    PS: Nevermind, i notice although i was executing it from the folder of the right version, the .exe executed was from another older version, when i corrected that suddenly everything get to work
    Last edited by Obsdark; November 26th, 2024 at 20:09. Reason: I solve the issue, if you guys so choose, close the topic or delete it, thank you in any case

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