Creature 1:
Realm: Asgard
Name: Gardalina the Goblin
Creature: Goblin
Colors Used: Speech Keeper Mentor/Announcement Others [what color they used]
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Personalilty: Kind and Sweet. Is almost always happy
Current level: 1
Gold: 0/0 (first number is on her, second is total)
Strength: Groups, is super friendly
Weakness: Alone, is sometimes too friendly
Likes: Friends, other allies, life, everything
Dislikes: Hate, Anger, and also a bit of rage, Lords of the land
Level 1- Attack
Level 3- Armor Other
Level 5- Heal Other
Level 7- Speed
Level 10- Invisible
Appearance: A sweet innocent girl in Goblin form
Biography: Gardalina is/was/will always be a sweet angel in the goblin world. She has always been nice to everyone, even the heroes, until a disastrous event unfolded; she was hurt by the lord of the land.
Now she is still the sweet princess she was always, but if she finds that knight, or anyone who looks like him, she will loose it
Creature 2: ???